Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act
S. 765 and H.R. 1725
The digital economy is booming.
The current laws governing the digital economy are based on bricks and mortar.
Today, up to three states can seek to collect taxes from a consumer on a digital good.
That’s not right and needs to be fixed now.
The Digital Good and Services Tax Fairness Act sets the framework allowing the states where the consumer lives to, if they so choose, tax the sale of a digital good.
Digital goods and services can include, e-books, movies, music and much more.
When a consumer buys a digital good today, three states may claim the right to tax the consumer:
The state where the consumer physically presses the purchase button;
The location of the server that provides the sale of the good or service; and
The state the consumer resides.
The industry is projected to generate $188.9 billion in revenue through mobile apps by 2020 and to protect consumers, the notion that three states are able to tax the consumer on one purchase must be addressed.
The legislation clearly identifies which state has the right to decide to tax or not tax digital commerce.